====== Monotonic shock solutions ====== This is the caller code. You can call it 'KS_monotonic_caller.m'. Copy the below script and paste the code in and save it in an appropriate directory. % KS_MONOTONIC_CALLER will solve the K-S equation for the case of the % monotonic shock conditions % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Written 19 Mar 2021 for the INI Spring School % EXPONENTIAL ASYMPTOTICS FOR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS clear ep = 0.05; % Set epsilon value zmin = -25; zmax = 12; % Set domain % Define the initial condition at infinity A = 2; ubc = @(z) 1 - A*exp(-2*z); upbc = @(z) -2*(-A)*exp(-2*z); uppbc = @(z) 4*(-A)*exp(-2*z); ic = [ubc(zmax); upbc(zmax); uppbc(zmax)]; % Define the differential equation fwd = @(t,Y) KSode(t,Y,ep); % Solve the ODE from z = zmax going backwards to z = zmin options = odeset('RelTol', 1e-9, 'AbsTol', 1e-9); [z, Y] = ode45(fwd, [zmax, zmin], ic, options); u = Y(:,1); figure(1) hold all plot(z, u); plot(z, tanh(z), 'k--'); xlabel('z'); ylabel('u(z)'); ylim([-5,5]); title('Monotonic shock solution (u0 = tanh(z) shown dashed)'); drawnow The caller code will require 'KSode.m'. Save it and run it from the same directory. Make sure you name it with the correct upper and lower-case characters. function Yp = KSode(z, Y, ep) % KSODE provides the first-order differential equation definition for % ep^2 u''' + (1 - 4 ep^2) u' = 1 - u^2 u = Y(1); up = Y(2); upp = Y(3); uppp = (1 - u^2 - (1 - 4*ep^2)*up)/ep^2; Yp = [up; upp; uppp]; ====== Oscillatory shock solutions ====== Again, you can copy and paste the below script into a Matlab file and call it, e.g. 'KS_osc_caller.m'. It will make use of the 'KSode.m' code above. % KS_OSC_CALLER will solve the K-S equation for the case of the % oscillatory shock conditions % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Written 19 Mar 2021 for the INI Spring School % EXPONENTIAL ASYMPTOTICS FOR PHYSICAL APPLICATIONS z0 = 1.24; phi = 2.60586555; % phi = 2.59; % phi = 2.5; ep = 0.05; zmin = -6; zmax = 12; gam = sqrt(1/ep^2 - 1); bc = @(z) -1 + exp(-(z-z0))*sin(gam*(z-z0)+phi); bcp = @(z) -exp(-(z-z0))*sin(gam*(z-z0)+phi) + ... gam*exp(-(z-z0))*cos(gam*(z-z0)+phi); bcpp = @(z) exp(-(z-z0))*sin(gam*(z-z0)+phi) ... - 2*gam*exp(-(z-z0))*cos(gam*(z-z0)+phi) ... -gam^2*exp(-(z-z0))*sin(gam*(z-z0)+phi); ic = [bc(zmax); ... bcp(zmax); ... bcpp(zmax)]; fwd = @(t,Y) KSode(t,Y,ep); mytol = 1e-10; options = odeset('RelTol', mytol, 'AbsTol', mytol); sol = ode113(fwd, [zmax, zmin], ic, options); figure(1) hold all plot(sol.x, sol.y(1,:)); ylim([-5,5]); drawnow